Nov 2, 2008

Surprise! Haaretz endorses...

Who would ever have predicted the day when this would happen? Ha'aretz has come out in support of Haredi candidate for mayor of Jerusalem Meier Porush!

True, they are endorsing him because they reject secular candidate Nir Barkat's recent run to the right in issues involving undivided Jerusalem and Jerusalem borders (I am not sure why Haaretz thinks Porush will be any different on those issues), and that leaves them nobody to enthusiastically endorse, but that the end of the day the secular, left-wing newspaper for the intellectual has come out endorsing the scary looking Haredi with the long white beard!


  1. come on. this is only so they can "prove" they don't hate the haredim.

  2. "Labor and Meretz must inform Barkat the parties are withdrawing their support for his candidacy. Abandoning one of the most sensitive cities in the world to Barkat's hands is a very risky gamble. The secular minority remaining in the city faces an unenviable choice between Barkat, Porush and Arcadi Gaydamak. Given the options, it would be better to leave Jerusalem in the hands of a responsible Haredi than to give it to a man of the right who lacks political wisdom. "

    Not much of an endorsement!

  3. not much of an endorsement? from haaretz? and they even called him a "responsible haredi"!
