Jan 15, 2009

don't upset a bride

And in some lighter news....

The paper ran a story today of a bride from Kiryat Gat filing a complaint with the police... 12 years ago she went to her friends wedding, and gave her what she says was a considerable gift of 200 NIS at the time. Now she has become engaged to be married and invited her friend to her wedding. Her friend informed her she would not coming to the wedding.

The bride demanded that she at least give her an equal gift to the gift she gave her 12 years prior. the friend (is she still one? - don't know) refused.

The bride went to the police to file a complaint. The police tried to convince her there is nothing they can do about it. Not giving a gift is not a criminal offense. She insisted on filing the complaint, so they allowed her to.

As the police said, "By law we have to accept any complaint from any citizen. If someone wakes up int he morning and wants to file a complaint that he did not see the moon at night, we have to accept it. So we accepted her complaint. However, the file will be closed due to "lack of guilt"."

I thought this story would be a nice light break from the heavy war news. I hope you enjoyed it!


  1. Thanks! I think we all needed a lighthearted post like this right now...

  2. Not so fast! She might have a case al-pi-Halacha!!!

    See: Rambam Zechiya U'matana 7:2 and Mishne Halachot 15:215

    Ari Enkin

  3. Not so fast! She might have a case al-pi-Halacha!!!

    See: Rambam Zechiya U'matana 7:2 and Mishne Halachot 15:215

    Ari Enkin

  4. mishug

    ari enkin, do you mind sharing what it says there?
