Jun 18, 2009

Daven for Gilad Shalit

I received the following by email from a fellow in England who has taken the initiative to try to arrange worldwide prayers for Gilad Shalit.

I would like to inform you about a very important event I am trying to promote throughout the Jewish world but am struggling as I am only 1 person with limited connections!!!

Almost 3 years ago the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was captured by Hamas. We do not know his situation today. One can only imagine the conditions in which this young man subsists. His parents trauma cannot be described. What can WE do to help ?

We would like communities across the world to have an International Yom Tefilla the 3rd anniversary of his capture, 29 Sivan (Sunday 21 June) and recite some prayers from Yom Kippur Koton or Tehilim for Gilad Ben Aviva in each kehilla or town. This is the ONLY way he can be released.

Please spread this request (a nonpolitical one) to all Jewish communities to pray to the One above for Gilad's release.

May Hashem answer our Tefilos and bring Moshiach speedily!


  1. the ONLY way he can be released?!?

  2. Is he still alive?

  3. Everyone in the know, at least publicly, as far as we know, is saying that he is.

    the only way? it is at least the only way we can help...
