Jul 1, 2009

The Nazis missed it by that much

In the words of the great Jon Lovitz, [They] missed it by that much.

I don't know how much longer the Nazis would have needed to put this plane into production, but it looks like they were not too far off. Had they gotten it out in time, who knows what the world would look like today....
Using radar of the same type and frequency used by British coastal defenses in World War II, the engineers found that an Ho 229, flying a few dozen feet above the English Channel, would indeed have been "invisible" to the Royal Air Force — an advantage that arrived too late for the Nazis to exploit.

Northrop Grumman Corp. spent its own time and money using the original German blueprints to replicate the wood-and-steel-tube bomber, right down to its unique metallic glue and paint, at its facility in El Segundo, Calif.

"This was the most advanced technology that the Germans had at the end of the war, and Northrop solved the question of how stealthy it was and its performance against Allied radar at the time," documentary filmmaker Mike Jorgenson told the Long Beach, Calif., Press-Telegram. "It's significantly better than anything flying operationally probably until the 1960s."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It looks like Germany's first attempt at a plane with radar cloaking capabilities. The reason it was never built is it came too late to make any difference in the outcome of the war. Hitler's obsession with Russia, for which we can be thankful today, kept Germany from ever defeating England. That remains the Nazis' fatal error of judgment from which they never recovered.

  3. Actually, thanks to the Military channel, the History channel, and Discovery, we have seen many stories like this. The nazis were far and away ahead of anyone else scientifically when it came to military tools. planes, ships, rockets, etc. from there we get all sorts of medical advances.

    Many times, the stories were opened with the same line - "If only the Germans had a bit more time to put X into production....".

  4. In the words of the great Jon Lovitz, [They] missed it by that much

    I think you mean in the words of the great Don Adams (Maxwell Smart)...

    The Wolf
