Aug 14, 2009

Root Beer Floats are back

I have good news for those of you in Israel who sometimes get the occasional craving for an ice cold Dr. Pepper or Root Beer.

Dr. Pepper, A&W Root Beer, all the Dr. Brown's Drinks and some others that I am less familiar with have been unavailable in Israel for something like 8 months. I don't know why but one reseller told me about problems with import duties, another told me distribution rights, someone else told me he had no idea.

Regardless of the reason why, the occasional craving had to go unsatisfied for a long dry period of 8 months or so.

Today, I went into one of the local stores that sell them, and whenever I do since the drought I always check to see if they are restocked, and sure enough the shelf was full of Dr. Pepper. They did not have Dr. Browns or A&W Root Beer, but they had Hansen's Natural Can Soda Root Beer.

Ice Cream Sodas, better known as Root Beer Floats, are back!



  1. Did you notice any ginger ale? I have a kid who things she remembers it from the US and is waiting for some....

  2. I'm tagging you again.
    This time you have to write about 7 things you love.
    You could start with root beer floats.
    Or you can ignore me.
    Anyway, my post is here:

  3. Send a badatz gift basket to Israel and internationally (low cost speedy door to door delivery). Check those beautiful gift baskets and chocolate flowers at

  4. It's a known fact that Israelis (at least the over 40 crowd) hate root beer. They say it tastes like medicine.
    There must have been some medicine that had a root beer flavor a while back that gave them an aversion to it.

  5. Leah - ginger ale can be found here pretty regularly. Shweppes sells a ginger ale. we sometimes buy a bottle for shabbos. We generally find it in the local supermarkets, but they dont always have it.

  6. yaak - that sounds like me and most cherry flavored drinks (except cherry coke)

  7. Risa - thanks, but I'll probably ignore you... :-)

  8. What city and store can you find
    Dr. Pepper?

  9. I dont know where else they sell them, but they can sometimes be found here in Bet Shemesh and RBS. Recently it has been flaky, but generally they can be found at any of the stores that carry american products. Dil vzol, bes market, pitzuchim brama, sweets r us, big deal, super hatzlacha and others.
    I am sure they must sell it somewhere in jerusalem as well..
