Sep 23, 2009

Interesting Posts #80

1. The Yeshiva Guy has all these great stories he writes about. The latest is a story of meeting a secular soldier on a plane...

2. Up The Beanstalk has an unusual story from a subway ride..

3. Shomer Shekalim has his recommendations as to how to get through the Sukkos holiday on a low budget...

4. Artzeinu Blog has an email from a new oleh after just 10 days of being in Israel, with updates of their new perspective..

5. Circus Tent considers the question we all ask each other after Rosh Hashana "So, when did you finish?"...

6. Guess Who is Coming to Dinner is disturbed by the plausibility of some Jewish music....

1 comment:

  1. As always, I am appreciative of your kind "linkage"...

    גמר חתימה טובה
