Sep 29, 2009

Interesting Posts #82

1. Some post-Yom Kippur thoughts from A Sensible Jew...

2. JoeSettler updates ont he progress of the new Israeli Buycott...

3. Lion of Zion found a rabbi who is against perverts... cute.

4. Rabbi Adlerstein doesn't trust the reports of the find of the coin bearing Joseph's image/name...

5. Yeranen Yaakov has some drashos and remazim regarding the new nuclear site Iran revealed - Qum.

6. Not Brisker Yeshivish reviews what looks to be a fascinating book about Minhagei Lita....

7. Muqata on the recent psak published in the name of Rav Elyashiv prohibiting the use of Shabbos elevators....


  1. Thanks Rafi for a really good selection from the blogosphere. Really interesting.

  2. Hi Rafi,
    very good selection. thank you very much, i enjoyed my time reading it.
    good job. jay
