Sep 1, 2009

mehadrin wedding

I went to a wedding the other night. My wife couldn't go, so I was going it alone. My 5 year old saw me in my suit, and asked me where I was going, or if it is shabbos.

I told her I am going to a chasuna. She asked, "also mommy?"

I said, no just me.

So she inquired further, "this chasuna is only for daddies, not mommies?"...


  1. lol! but you know that it's coming...

  2. I have heard of weddings in Boro Park where the men and women sit in separate buildings. The chuppah is done outside and then the men go to their building and the women go to theirs nearby. I've never been to such a wedding (and never will because it's very contrary to my hashkafa), so I cannot say that I've seen this myself.


  3. oh the innocence of children!
