Sep 7, 2009

Rav Shternbuch speaks out against violent protestors

While previously, Rav Moshe Shternbuch of the Eidah Chareidis chose to not bother making any strong pronouncements against the violent protesting, even though he was against it and expressed his opinion, due to the claim that nobody would listen to him anyway, he too is aware of the change in the tone of the protests, the media, the police, and the Eida.

Now that the Eida has called their people to order, Rav Shternbuch is also speaking out. He said yesterday that those who throw stones and protest violently are making a chilul hashem and are invalidated from being kosher witnesses. They cannot be used as witnesses in a wedding, divorce or any other matter needing a halachically valid witness... As an aside, he said, that such people who are violent in this manner anyway are likely to be pasul l'eidus for various other issues as well...

The shabbos protests of this past shabbos, that passed peacefully, clearly show that when the Eidah wants to, they do have control of their people. Despite what they say at other times, that they can tell people to stop but nobody listens. For the most part they listen. Let's hope they stay in control of their people and keep it reasonable...

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