Sep 10, 2009

Where was Bibi Top Ten

With all the speculation and secrecy surrounding Bibi's disappearance the other day, a reader suggested doing a Top Ten List of where Bibi might have been, ala David Letterman.

These are the Top Ten Places Bibi Disappeared to, as per the list prepared by the reader with the idea, mixed with mine.

Come up with your own list and put it in the comments.
  1. In Iran buying nuclear materials. Dimona was running low on supplies.
  2. In Gaza, looking for Gilad Shalit.
  3. In Russian learning how to make Vodka, and learning how to ride a horse - Putin gave him the lesson.
  4. In Saudi Arabia learning about the effect of polygamy on the Middle East Peace Process.
  5. In Iceland to find out why El Al jets keep stopping there.
  6. In New York to learn how to protect shuls on Rosh Hashanah.
  7. In China trying to get some good Chinese food--he's Jewish you know.
  8. Just needed the day off. Spent the day watching highlights of football games, filling out his details for the fantasy league, and drinking beer.
  9. In England getting an autographed copy of Harry Potter.
  10. Really, he only had ten hours so he had to decide between going to Los Angeles and lighting candles with Madonna at the Kabbalah Center or going to Washington D.C. trying to get Jonathan Pollard out of jail. Sorry Jonathan.


  1. I thought he was going to be the new guest judge on American Idol.

  2. 11. Hot on the trail of Carmen Sandiego.
    12. In the conservatory. With the lead pipe.
    13. Tagging along with NBN to blog about a family's Aliyah.
    14. Had some bad schwarma and spent the rest of the day in the bathroom.

  3. You are supposed to count from 10 to 1...

  4. anon. yes, but that would mean a lot of work fixing the numbering system of blogger. work I did not have the time or energy for at the time of writing the post.

    Anyway, Letterman's #1s are rarely so much better than his #10s, so it does not really matter...

  5. Yoni shkoyach those hit the spot!
