Oct 21, 2009

Interesting Posts #90

1. The Wolf comments on a talk by a rebbetzin in which the only two modes of dress presented were either like a princess or a prostitute...

2. Soccer Dad on Michael Oren and the invitation from J-Street.

3. Parshablog discusses whether the Torah is meant to teach us about science..

4. Tzedek-Tzedek reviews the new book, Tempest in the Temple.

5. A couple of mazel tovs: LOZ's grandmother turned 100. Sarah got engaged.

6. Michal's Blog continues analyzing the Ivanka Trump conversion.

7. In the Pink on the secret code of nida and mikva. I disagree in the sense that it was never meant to be private - we used to need to know who was a nida and who went to the mikva, for the purposes of tumah and tahara. It became very private over the years as the issues of tumah became less relevant, but that is not how it was meant to be...

8. The Hashmonean points out how Livni was cut down in stereo.