Oct 22, 2009

Interesting Posts #91

1. Muqata comments on the Knesset approving MK Michael Ben-Ari's request for separate hours in the gym..

2. Kaplan's Korner on the second Israel-USA basketball exhibition game, this one with the Haifa Heat, a.k.a. Maccabi Haifa, playing against the Los Angeles Clippers..

3. Samuel Sokol interviewed Adnan Husseini, the advisor on Jerusalem Affairs to PA President Mahmoud Abbas... very interesting to read how he breaks down the issues of peace and Jerusalem. He also compares the PA memorializing terrorists to the way Israel memorializes David Ben-Gurion.

4. Aussie Dave has a cool video that he calls Blooper of the Day. Pretty funny.

5. looking to draw more traffic to your own blog? Jack has written up a great list of suggestions (I do not know if they are tried and true) that might do the trick..

6. Muqata gives the top 5 reasons Tzipi Livni might have warned the PA away from signing a deal with Olmert...


  1. Boy, was Jesse Jackson angry! That was funny.

  2. To increase blog traffic, don't forget to host blog carnivals. If you'd like a try at the Kosher Cooking Carnival, please let me know. It's not just a recipe carnival. It deals with all aspects of kosher cooking, including halacha, Jewish Laws.
