Oct 29, 2009

Jon Stewart with an Israeli and Palestinian (video)

Jon Stewart interviews Anna Beltzer and Mustafa Barghouti - a Jewish woman and a Palestinian man...

Part 1:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Anna Baltzer & Mustafa Barghouti Extended Interview Pt. 1
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Part 2:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Anna Baltzer & Mustafa Barghouti Extended Interview Pt. 2
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

It doesn't actually seem that groundbreaking. It is not like he has Michael Ben-Ari and Marwan Barghouti. He has a Palestinian talking about Palestinian rights and he has an Jewish leftist talking about Palestinian rights. They are advocating a non-violent approach, both from a Palestinian point of view.

Plus, Baltzer hardly gets to say anything. And when she did talk, all she said was how Israel is in violation of human rights. Nobody said a word about Palestinian terror or their not accepting peace deals that were offered...


  1. Yeah, and no one said a word about Isreal's nuclear weapons, or Shimon Peres' saying that Israel would "wipe Iran off the face of the earth."

    No one said a word about the ethnic cleansing, the massive theft of land, the endemic racism, or the Gaza Concentration Camp.

    No one said a word about the real character of Israelis: racist, thieves, killers.

    Will it end like South Africa, or like Algeria? If you continue your arrogant intransigence, it will end like the Nazis: with the top criminals put on trial and executed.

  2. Wow Joe, you are obviously better informed than most. Ethnic cleansing??? Gaza Concentration Camp??? Yes, yes, what goes on in Gaza is very comparable to the Nazis. Israel rounds them up from their houses, takes all their possessions, loots their businesses, burns down Mosques and throws their religious items into a bonfire, loads the Palistineans onto cattle cars to concentration camps, throws the weak and sick into gas chambers within an hour of their arrival, works the healthy ones in slave labour with food rations so minimal you can see their bones pressing against their skin, shoot children in front of their parents, bulldoze their bodies into mass graves, and performs medical experiments on them.

    Yes. That is exactly what goes on in Gaza. I'm sure you've seen this many times on your many visits there. Thank you for that enlightening rhetoric and use of big words. Did you learn all this from watching Farfur the Mouse?

  3. So, you're defense for murder and theft of land is that you're not quite as bad as the Nazis. Way to take the moral high-road!

  4. Rafi G: "Nobody said a word about Palestinian terror or their not accepting peace deals that were offered."

    I tell you what Rafi G, if the United Nations came to my house and forced me and my family out of it at gun point and the ushered us into a refugee camp on behalf of whatever American Indian tribe live here 200 years ago, then I wouldn't accept a peace deal either. You can also bet your fourth point of contact that terror would be visited upon those living in my former home as well, and rightfully so.

  5. Anna Baltzer is a board member of the Council for the National Interest. It is the sort of "respectable" organization that is definitely anti-Israel and arguable antisemitic.

    They need people like Baltzer to shield against the latter charge.


  6. Me? I never said anything about me. No, I'm actually much more like them than Israel.

    I'm not saying Israel is "not quite" like the Nazis, I'm saying they're nothing at all in the slightest resemblance like the Nazis. For Joe America to make such a comparison, he displays his total ignorance on any of this subject matter.

    I love how people use the term Nazi to describe anything they don't like. "He cut in front of me in line, that Nazi." "My mother made me do my homework, she's such a Nazi." "Israel defends itself against terrorists who blow up buses full of civilians. What Nazis!"

  7. very weak interview by stewart. softball questions. total suck up
