Nov 25, 2009

Interesting Posts #105

1. Torat Yisrael noticed a strange sign on an Egged bus. Someone else told me about it as well. It seems to be a test program and is actually available on some buses that have long distance routes...

2. Going Home to Yerushalayim suggests the possible discovery of the Sambatyon River...

3. Hubscubs points to a study showing that olim also do much for the country...

4. How to be Israeli has figured out what they are going to do with their Nazi plates. I think it is a good solution...

5. Frum n Flipping describes what goes through the maidels mind while she waits for her date to show up...

6. Modern Uberdox has a good lesson from a cement mixer...

7. The Curious Jew responds to the letter by the lady who just wants to be touched...


  1. I can't wait for the day I get linked for the first time... hint hint Rafi! ;)

  2. N - on your Geshmak blog? always feel free to send me a link... but I will keep an eye out for something linkable...
