Nov 26, 2009

Interesting Posts #106

1. Yeranen Yaakov points to a video of Rav Batzri exorcising a dybbuk... for some reason it feels "wrong" that these things are done in public.. By "wrong" I don't mean he did something wrong, but it seems like such publicity, allowing the crowds to watch, etc. make it more of a media spectacle and less believable.

2. Yeshiva Guy on tormenting games...

3. Hadassah on the issue of the schools asking for tips for the teachers from the parents.. and Dov Bear on the same topic.

4. Parshablog discusses some moral lessons from Parshat VaYeitzei

5. Geshmak Torah has a nice dvar torah on the parsha about being united...

6. Oh oh. According to Mystical Paths I have to change my ice cream light bulbs back to old fashioned ones...