Jan 10, 2010

Quote of the Day (qotd)

Most citizens have an apartment they are meant to live in. This is the roof over their head and they are not meant to check its value every month in the market. They are not moving apartments for no reason, their kids are in schools, they work nearby, etc. Opposite them you have those who wish to enter the apartment market but cannot. So must I be concerned for those who are investing and buying their second and third apartments? Why? Do they share their money with others who don't have apartments?

---- Housing Minister Ariel Attias


  1. Where did you see this?

    In what context?

  2. He gave an interview with Globes. When I saw it, the whole interview had not yet been published, but only a few select quotes (I guess like a teaser). The interview can now be seen at:

  3. actually yes he should be concerned with those who want to buy a 2nd or 3rd or 20th apartment. these people help, in a big way, to keep demand up for new construction, building, maintenance. they provide the rental market with apartments.

  4. and for their daughters' shidduchim.
