Jan 13, 2010

The real purpose of the tunnels

Perhaps the real point of all those tunnels dug out by Hamas was really just for this one case.

An Israeli woman married a Palestinian man and has been living in Gaza for a number of years. Her husband was arrested in Egypt a while back for being involved in cross-border smuggling.

She and her four children were smuggled, with the assistance of Yad L'Achim, through the tunnels from Rafiah into Gaza, and from there they made their way to the Erz Checkpoint along the border with Israel.

They managed to convince the Hamas policemen that her father, in Israel, was sick and on his deathbed, and they allowed her to go visit him. After she crossed the Erez Checkpoint, the waiting Israeli police interrogated her, and then released her. Yad L'Achim helped her hide and now is starting her new life.

Perhaps all those tunnels were created for the sole purpose of saving a Jewish family....


  1. Perhaps all those tunnels were created for the sole purpose of saving a Jewish family....

    At the expense of all of the families destroyed by the weapons smuggled into Gaza through them?

  2. according to the report I read, They had been living on the Egyptian side of Rafiah (there's also part of the city in Gaza strip) and therefore had to be smuggled INTO Gaza inorder to get them OUT of Gaza and into Israel.

  3. daf,

    That's what Rafi wrote:

    She and her four children were smuggled ... through the tunnels from Rafiah into Gaza, and from there they made their way to the Erz Checkpoint along the border with Israel.

  4. Ooo - Rafi. I was going to post the same thing!

    Yoni R., that's the point. Every cloud has a single lining. Everything that seems negative in the world has a positive reason for its existence. We're not debating whether or not it's primarily bad or good - of course it's primarily bad - but we now see its positive purpose.
