Feb 7, 2010

Bechadrei interviews Yehuda Meshi-Zahav (video)

If you can follow the interview, it is worth a listen. The interviewee is Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, director and found of Zak"A (the interviewer is Bechadrei Chareidim). The most interesting part is where he talks about his past as a member of the Eida Hareidis and its future. Meshi-Zahav went from being an Eida troublemaker (he now calls what he did in the name of the Eida a chillul hashem) to being a torch bearer at Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrations...


  1. I would love to read an analysis of Orthodox Jewish leaders who in their older years "woke up" to a conflicting philosophy. Because there are examples going both ways.

    I haven't paid enough attention to the phenomenon but this gets me curious regarding (a) the impetus for a change in thinking, (b) the values the leader holds primary, and (c) the means vis-a-vis the philosophy he/she feels best address those values.

  2. good questions. It is always interesting when somebody suddenly changes his whole lifestyle completely the opposite of how he lived until then.
