Feb 14, 2010

Interesting Posts #144

1. Batya has the Rosh Chodesh Adar edition of Haveil Havalim.

2. Somehow Frum describes the futuristic beis medrash...

3. Frum n Flipping has the answer to the shidduch crisis.

4. Blog in DM discusses how Jewish musicians are being exploited...

5. Tzedek-Tzedek on the epidemic of child abuse

6. Not Brisker Yeshivish wrote a piece on the passing of Rav Chaskel Besser, and of Dr. Lander. Here is one piece I would like to see him respond to in the comments...

7. Yeshiva Guy describes the dead eyes he sees in the guy who has been in yeshiva a long time...


  1. somehowfrum.blogspot.com has a post on reviving the jewish observer. I think that post is more worthy of mention.
