May 12, 2010

Rabbonim on Har HaBayit (video)

A group of Rabbonim went up to Har HaBayit yesterday in advance of Yom Yerushalayim..


  1. Do you have a list of the Rabbis who participated, I'm embarressed to say that I didn't recognize most of the people.

  2. The ones I know are Rav Dov Lior and the Haredi one is Rav Brand (famous for starting the hilltop settlement outside Kiryat Sefer a little while back). There were a couple other faces that looked familiar, but I couldnt remember their names. Maybe one of the articles about them gives more names...

  3. the ynet article gives a few more names..,7340,L-3887252,00.html

  4. That's because most of those Rabanim and Talmedei Chachamim don't post their picture on the many zedaka flyers strewn throughout the streets all the time.

  5. Im not sure of the name, but at around 2:30 one of them removes his kippah before entering.... why?

  6. that is Rav Dov Lior. I was wondering why as well. The only thing I can think of is that some people are not comfortable wearing a kipa under a hat and he just happened to remove it right then, with no significance to Har HaBayit.

  7. did you see all the attacks on these rabbonim on vosizneis?

  8. The lasr Rov speaking was Rav Yisroel Ariel the head involved in building all the necessary parts including the Menorah for the Beis Hamikdash bemehera bayameinu.
    He was a soldier at the kotel in 1967.
