Jun 17, 2010

The halachic issues of the Mondeal

The main halachic question should be, I think, if the vuvuzela is kosher to be used as a shofar on Rosh Hashana.

As far as I can tell it would not be kosher. Mostly because it would be putting the baal tokiei'a into a great sakana as he drives everyone mad with the monotonous vuvuzela blow, they might turn on him and beat him senseless.

There were some questions that were asked regarding the halachic aspects of watching the Mondeal, aka World Cup.

We will go in halachic order. One question, presented to Rav Baruch Efrati of Bar Ilan University, is whether there is any halachic problem with watching the Mondeal in general.

Rav Efrati's answer was that there is no problem with watching the Mondeal once in a while. The sport is not a violent one (that statement seems to not be including the behavior of the fans), nor is it based on negative values. Watching the Mondeal can be considered a blessed part of a happy life whose foundation is serving Hashem.

The second question posed was to Rav Dov Lior. The question was whether one could record the games that are broadcast on Sabbos, to be watched after Shabbos.

Rav Lior's answer was that the only way it can be done is by setting up all the recording equipment and television before Shabbos. That seemed obvious that you cannot turn it no on Shabbos, so you must have a timer set to turn it on. In addition, Rav Lior says, you can only set it to record from a foreign broadcast and not an Israeli broadcast that uses Jews working on Shabbos. As long as the satellite station or sports cable station does not employ Jews, your recording the broadcast will not be causing chilul shabbos.

Enjoy the game!


  1. Keren Barcelona Vaad Kupat Argentina Manchester DivisionJune 17, 2010 5:17 PM

    If you do succomb and watch just donate to Kupat ha'ir afterwards.

  2. And the heter for owning a TV is....?

  3. The heter is that it could be used for watching the Mondeal. Duh!
