Jul 15, 2010

Gov. Paterson and the red string

And Now Governor Paterson of New York is wearing a red string on his wrist. He thinks he can use every bit of help he can get..

But, oops, according to the New York Daily news it seems to not be working, likely because he is wearing it on the wrong hand.. what's that all about? Hey - maybe he is a lefty, so it would be proper to switch the red string to his right hand - the tefillin hand? Which side of the plate does he bat on?

Gov. Paterson is counting on a Madonna-blessed higher power to lead him out of the mess in Albany.

The lame-duck governor has begun wearing a red string kabbalah bracelet - just like the Material Girl - in an eyebrow-raising bid to deflect ill will.

"It was explained to the governor that the red string is a symbol of protection [that] wards off problems and tribulations," Paterson spokesman Morgan Hook said.

"His attitude was that he'll take all the help he can get."

Paterson could be forgiven for turning to a little divine protection.

In the past six months he's found himself under investigation, dumped his reelection bid as a result, and wrestled with the Legislature over the state budget.

So he's apparently trying his luck with the trendy talisman favored by followers of the mystical Jewish discipline. But unlike Madonna, Demi Moore and Britney Spears, Paterson is not yet one of the devoted, a spokesman said.

"Kabbalah didn't change his life, just to be clear here," Hook said.

Either way, Paterson may not be getting all the spiritual backup he hopes for - the bracelet is customarily worn on the left wrist, while the governor is seen in photos wearing it on his right.

1 comment:

  1. He clearly needs a copy of my "Amot Shel Halacha" where I debunk the red stirng nonsense.

    Ari Enkin
