Aug 11, 2010

davening on the side of the road

I was out running this morning on Highway 375.

There on the side of the road, a small tow truck had pulled over. The driver was standing on the side of the road, in his tshirt and shorts, wearing tallis and tefillin and davening, in the beautiful setting in front of the fields, with the rising sun before him (he was facing southeast towards Jerusalem).

Davening on the side of the road is always dangerous, though he was pulled over in a good wide spot just after an intersection, but it is still a great thing to see from the amcha. I don't know if it qualifies as "only in Israel"...


  1. According to the law, any person from a vehicle parked at the side of the road, MUST wear, a bright and luminous yellow/orange/green vest in order for other traffic to see him or her. The reason is obvious, as there are been cases of people being knocked down. That being so, our friend here, should have had his luminous vest OVER his Tallit.

  2. hearing the shofar on the train minyan today was an "only in Israel" moment.....

  3. Er, 'WEST' ? Isn't Yerushalayim to the EAST of you?

  4. good catch. meant south-east. thanks

  5. Great strory.

    I remember once driving to Bnei Akiva Camp in New Zealand with the Youth-Shaliach (who wasn't even religious), and him laying Tfilin at the side of the highway when we stopped for a coffee (we left quite early that morning).

    Reminds me of the following story about Reb Levi Yitzhak of Berdechiv:

    There was once an ignorant wagon driver who was busy greasing his wagon's axles and wheels while praying wrapped in his Tallis and Tefillin. This ridiculous sight might have caused some to laugh and jeer or others to admonish him with indignation. However Rav Levi Yitzhak grew excited at the sight and declared heavenwards "Master of the World! Ribbono Shel Olam, gaze upon your nation Israel, see how they are so attached and connected to you! Even with they are fixing their wheels and greasing their axles they do not forget about you!" (Toldos Kedushas Levi Munkacz 6:87)


  6. Last Wednesday evening while stuck in a traffic jam near Hertzliya, the sun started to set and I saw a few cars pulled over on the side with their passengers outside davening mincha. None were wearning the vest. Traffic was moving at most 5 km/h though.

  7. Whenever I drive home around shkia I like to look for cars pulled off to the side and play a game I made up called, "Pish or Pray?"
