Oct 13, 2010

Mazel Tov Again To Bet Shemesh

Yet another mazel tov is due to the City of Bet Shemesh. Actually it is a double mazel tov that is deserved.

The first mazel tov is for its successful representation and placement in the Adult Jerusalem Regional Bible Quiz. Rabb Levi Sudri from Bet Shemesh placed second in the competition. Mazel tov to Rabbi Sudri and to Bet Shemesh for having such brilliant scholars living within.

The second mazel tov to Bet Shemesh is for their ability to find the funding for all the summer activities they sponsored helping people enjoy their vacations around the country, along with funding for all the other activities sponsored by the city.

Where did they dig up the money? They found a simple solution - they raised the property taxes from 1% to 5.5% (depending on the type of property). 

According to Calcalist, the request to raise the arnona, in 30 cities,  was made at the beginning of the year and was just approved by the Finance Ministry and Interior Ministry. The tax increase is retroactive to the beginning of the year, and even if you already paid up for the whole year, you can now expect to receive another bill.



according to the Chadash that was distributed today, the new arnona rates do not mean you will be getting a new bill to pay. The rate increase was a formal approval of an increase that was already in effect.

In 2006 (I think), arnona rates were raised upon the approval of the Finance Minister Roni Bar-On. The paperwork had never been officially completed, but the rates were raised anyway.
Due to concern that the rates might be challenged and be considered an approved increase for 2006 only, the irya worked to get the formal paperwork finally taken care of. The higher rate that we have already been paying since 2006 has now been officially approved, but this is not an additional hike.

I hope they are right.


  1. Moshe Abutbol Mayor for All of (His) peopleOctober 13, 2010 2:29 PM

    And those people who have 90% reductions (and are the people that our Mayor really represents) will have an even bigger discount while we have to pay more.

    Makes me sooooooooo proud to live in our progressive city.

  2. TTBOMK, the only ones who have 90% discounts are the olim.

    While there are a lot of them, I don't think most of them voted...

    Most kollel discounts are, IIRC, on par with the discounts for those in old Bet Shemesh; 50%, 60%, 70%.

    I personally would love to see a city without any Russians, Black-skinned Ethiopians, or Black-hatted Chareidim, with nothing but lily white English speakers, but I don't think it will happen. Maybe I should try Efrat? ;)

  3. I will update the post with this info as well...
    according to the Chadash that was distributed today, the new arnona rates do not mean you will be getting a new bill to pay. The rate increase was a formal approval of an increase that was already in effect.

    In 2006 (I think), arnona rates were raised upon the approval of the Finance Minister Roni Bar-On. The paperwork had never been officially completed, but the rates were raised anyway.
    Due to concern that the rates might be challenged and be considered an approved increase for 2006 only, the irya worked to get the formal paperwork finally taken care of. The higher rate that we have already been paying since 2006 has now been officially approved, but this is not an additional hike.

    I hope they are right.
