Nov 30, 2010

Haredi Fashion

There is an interesting lifestyle piece in Ynet about how the haredi community has progressed in the world of fashion, and now has its own models and female fashion photographer photographing models.

A few interesting points:
1. The name of the photographer that the article focuses on is Shprintzi (no big deal, but I would have expected something a bit more modern for someone going out on the edge).
2. The article compares the haredi advancement in the world of fashion to the Greek influence of 2000 years ago.
3. If you watch the video in the article, you will notice the photographers assistant - a young hassidic man. Perhaps he is her brother, or son or some other relative, but I think it is interesting that he is working in a job looking at fashion models.
4. The haredi fashion industry has been growing. I remember when religious papers and magazines would just take regular ad images and stick a crudely added kipa on the top of the models head. Now, every religious magazine and newspaper has original ads designed for the religious public with religious and haredi models. In the haredi papers they are all male, as haredi papers generally do not print pictures with women, but in the general religious press, or in the DL press, there are religious women as well. This is a different market, one I was not aware of, based not for advertising in the press, where the haredim would object to such images being placed, but for catalogues selling the clothes, in stores and the like.


  1. The name of the photographer that the article focuses on is Shprintzi (no big deal, but I would have expected something a bit more modern for someone going out on the edge).

    You thought that based on her name she wouldn't be a fashion photographer?

  2. its just not a name I'd associate with this. its kind of "old world". I'd expect a more modern name for someone forging a new industry.
