Dec 20, 2010

Looking For A Needle Maker...

The Conservative Movement of Israel is running a campaign, in light of the vote to extend the funding for avreichim by another 5 years after which it would be severely cut and limited, to support and encourage the move into the work world.

They are currently running the following ad, which I thought was worth sharing due to its originality and provocativeness. It is designed as if it is a page out of the Yellow Pages business phone book and is a listing of different service providers and the businesses listed under each one are various tannaim and amoraim who held such jobs and professions.
Definitely an original and uniquely designed ad..


  1. I once heard that the proper question isn't why our rabbis aren't doctors like the Rambam. It's why our doctors aren't rabbis like the Rambam...

  2. Mike didn't you used to have a shul Rabbi who said medicine is a bad profession for good Jewish boys (i.e. who want to learn)? Perhaps you had switched shuls....

  3. I don't know. I never heard that from anyone, but it makes sense. It's very hard to learn full time and study medicine...

    I think I heard my original quote from R' Berel Wein, but I'm not positive.

  4. "I once heard that the proper question isn't why our rabbis aren't doctors like the Rambam. It's why our doctors aren't rabbis like the Rambam..."

    I wonder why our rabbis aren't rabbis like the Rambam.
