Jan 17, 2011

Mezuzas Under Attack

The next step in the delegitimization of Israel and the Jewish presence in the land is taking place in Jerusalem. The Arabs have tried denying our history in Jerusalem, our Temple's existence in history, our connection to the land.

The newest method employed is the existence of a mezuza. Head of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement of Israel, Sheik Raed Salah, has voiced protest and is leading a movement against the placement of the mezuzas on the gates of the entrances to the Old City of Jerusalem.

By "placement" I do not mean that new mezuzas are being placed where no mezuza has been before, though such a protest would be equally offensive, but I mean the mezuzas are placed there and have been there for many years already.

NRG reports that Salah says he was touring the areas of Jerusalem and noticed the mezuzas. He sees them as an attempt by Israel to Judaize the Islamic Old City of Jerusalem and the Muslim heritage. Abu Ata from the Al Aqsa Foundation added that the Old City is an Arab city, and a mezuza is something placed on the door of a Jewish home.

Jerusalem is a Jewish city. Even with the need for tolerance and sharing the city among various religions, as Jerusalem city councilman Didi Hershkowitz said, just as we show respect for their freedom of religion, they should be showing respect for ours. The Palestinian and Israeli Arab leaders should put Salah in his place, and respect our right to worship equally.

It seems to me Hershkowitz is in a bit of a fantasy world with his statement, but he is 100% correct. Unfortunately, Israel has never demanded that the Palestinians respect our rights in Israel and the right to worship. Netanyahu has demanded they recognize Israel as a Jewish State, but on the ground such basic respect has not been demanded or shared. Even our mezuzas are now a provocation.


  1. Is there a mitzvah to put a mezzuzah on a city gate?

  2. wouldn't that sort of prove how "new" these Arabs are to touring our Jewish Old City - just noticing these mezuzot now?

  3. Charlie - yes, if the gate to the city is constructed in such a way that it has both the mashkof and the mezuzt (the doorposts and the lintel).. you might not make a bracha when putting it up, but it would require the mezuza.

  4. Come on, what are we idiots? They (the Arabs) want the entire area Judenrein. And, yes, I used that word purposely.

  5. What next? Matza balls are too Jewish too?

  6. Rafi,
    I believe that Mezuzot on city gates are only required when it is inhabited exclusively by Jews.

  7. I think that it also includes when Jews are in charge. It is not required if the non-Jews are in charge because there is fear the mezuza would be vandalized and defaced. if the Jews are in charge (and they would enforce the law which would discourage such vandalization) then the mezuza would still be required. I think.
