Mar 29, 2011

Playing First Base.. Rav Elyashiv!

People always try to get memorabilia from celebrities - baseball players, rock stars, basketball players, soccer players, etc. Sometimes it might be a ball that is autographed, sometimes it is the shirts off their backs. These items are sometimes held for sentimental value, but often they are later sold for big money, asssuming it was received from a "star".

Bechadrei is reporting on a story that happened while at a bris in the house of Rav Elyashiv. A wealthy fellow who was at the bris was pointed to the grandson of the Admor of Zevhil. He was told that this guy, the grandson, is very poor. The rich guy, wanting to confirm the information before writing a check, asked Rav Elyashiv if it is really true. Rav Elyashiv confirmed that his financial situation is bad and this is worthy tzedaka to give.

On the word of Rav Elyashiv, the gvir wrote out a check on the spot for 8000NIS.

A few moments later, the gvir approached Rav Elyashiv again and offered him a deal. If Rav Elyashiv would give to him a pair of tzitzis, a tallis kotton that he had worn, he would give another check, this one for $20,000!

Rav Elyashiv was surprised by the request, but immediately agreed. He said, "if I can help like this a Jew to marry off his kids, why shouldn't I?"

I wonder if he also autographed it. I also wonder how soon we will see Rav Elyashiv's tztitzis for sale on eBay. And I also wonder if the next gvir to walk in will ask him to buy his shtreimel, then his frock, then his socks and underwear. It was nice of Rav Elyashiv to agree, but I worry about where people like this gvir are taking Judaism to..


  1. do you think he'll wear them?

    do you think he'll wash them?

  2. 1. You have a typo in your title, I assume you meant fiRst base not fist base.
    2. Can you imagine, the next morning, when this yid put on his newly acquired talis katan, the kavanas he had. Firstly, can we even fathom to don a pair of $20,000 tzitis. Second, why is he machshiv Rav Elyashiv? So he now gets to connect to the Talmid Chacham/Tzadik which in turn connects him to God on a higher level then he can achieve on his own. Thirdly, he is not just wrapping his body in tzitzis, he is wrapped in the tremendous zechusim of tezdakah, hachnassas kallah, shviras tavas mamon, etc. etc etc. Ashrechah!

  3. Anon,

    He could have gotten the zchus of the tzedaka for the same 20K.

    Actually it would have been a bigger zchus as it would have been 100% lishma.

    If true this story illustrates that the problems in the Charedi world do actually begin from the top.

  4. When was the last time you gave away $20,000? Who said he was charedi? Please stop judging so harshly.

  5. thanks for catching the typo

  6. Miriam - it doesnt say he reuquested the ones on his body. Perhaps Rav Elyashiv went to his dresser and pulled out a pair that had already been washed..

  7. Anon of 5:47

    Rav Elyashiv is Charedi by all accounts.

  8. "He could have gotten the zchus of the tzedaka for the same 20K."

    The subject here is not Rav Elyashiv...

  9. Maybe the reason why he asked Rav Elyashiv for his tzitzit was that way he could be sure that he would be performing the mitzvah properly. Kind of like your great-grandfather's kiddush cup which trumps any machmir shiur you can come up with...

  10. Who said he was charedi? Please stop judging so harshly.

    What's so bad about being charedi?

    Perhaps Rav Elyashiv went to his dresser and pulled out a pair that had already been washed..

    Oh you're right - he wouldn't have pulled off the ones he was wearing! I guess you really had me going with the line about underwear....

    But you know, I'll bet Rav Scheinberg would have declined.

    Rav Elyashiv is Charedi by all accounts.

    No - the donor!

    your great-grandfather's kiddush cup which trumps any machmir shiur you can come up with...

    Actually I think I heard that someone has a kiddush cup from the Chafetz Chaim but doesn't use it since it doesn't fulfill the machmir shitas.

  11. Miriam S

    Here is link to story about the kiddush cup of the Chofetz Chaim

    Is this the Miriam S formerly of TO

  12. Very similar to the Klausenberger story where he gave his socks to a teenage girl in a DP camp post-war in order to ensure that she remain tzanua and to ensure the future of klal yisrael. Actually I don't see this as memorabilia as much as a chance to see how much the rabbeim care for each individual.

  13. from rav elyashiv's perspective yes, I agree. from the buyers perspective on the other hand...

  14. This Gadol worship smacks of Chritianity.
