Jun 15, 2011

Mazel Tov To Natalie Portman

Mazel Tov to Israeli-born US Oscar-winning actress (for her role in Black Swan) Natalie Portman (born Natalie Hershlag), upon the birth of her little baby boy b'chor.

Unfortunately, it seems her fiancée is not Jewish, or at least that is the assumption, though obviously the baby is. Benjamin Millepied's faith is listed as unknown. Millepied was Portman's choreographer on the set of Black Swan.

1 comment:

  1. it seems her fiancée is not Jewish

    Uh..Maybe Millepied is a translation of Elfenbein from elef=thousand and bein(in german)= leg.

    Or maybe מרבה רגליים= Nadel...
