Jul 15, 2011

Burning Down Jerusalem

There are not many things in life that are definite. The famous saying, attributed to Benjamin Franklin, goes "there are two things that are certain in life - death and taxes".

I will amend that a bit and say that in Jerusalem there is a 3rd thing that is certain. Anything the secular do for their own benefit is sure to rile up the Haredim and have them threaten to burn down the city.

There are two new plans in Jerusalem that are causing the Haredim to get all worked up.

1. Bechadrei is reporting on the possible opening of a new movie theater in close proximity to the Old City. The signing has so far been delayed over an argument (between Globus Group and the operator of the site Elrov) regarding whether the theater will be open on Shabbos or not, but it is expected to be finalized in the coming days.

The response so far has been threatening to ramp up the protests. It starts with comments from Eida people and sikrikim, and then they get comments from official haredi city council reps saying this is an issue that they will not leave for the troublemakers, but they will burn Jerusalem over this.

2. Kikar is reporting that in the coming months the Channel 10 News station will be moving its studio to Jerusalem. After considering a number of locations, they selected a location in the Bezeq building on HaTzvi street. That is behind the Central Bus Station area.

The issue with Channel 10 is two-fold: 1. they work 7 days a week, i.e. there will be serious levels of chillul shabbos, and in such close proximity to haredi neighborhoods 2. broadcasting television in such close proximity to haredi neighborhoods.

Askanim are quoted as saying, "If they bring the television station to our neighborhoods, we will burn down the city".

I am tired of hearing the complaint about the secular things being in close proximity to the haredi neighborhoods. Jerusalem is such a mixed city, that no matter where they would build a movie theater, or no matter where the tv station would set up shop, it would be in close proximity to haredi areas. Let's call a spade a spade - they would protest this no matter where in the city it was happening. Just say no new television stations in Jerusalem, being against television and against chillul shabbos, and no new movie theaters. Drop the whole "too close to my neighborhood" business.

Either way, it looks like it is going to be a hot summer in Jerusalem!


  1. Also, what's this "burn down J-m?" crap. They would burn their own neighborhoods. The minute they set foot with torches into the center of town or into secular/mixed neighborhoods, they would be arrested en masse. Let them destroy their own garbage cans and neighborhoods. Maybe one day their own constituents would fight back finally.

  2. www.thewaytonothing.blogspot.comJuly 15, 2011 11:45 AM

    yay!! its been too long since jm burned down. Given how deeply connected to their past the charediim (think they) are, it makes sense for them to keep with the historical minhag of burning down jm.

  3. and very appropriate activity for the upcoming "3 weeks" which starts this coming Tuesday.,

    There is not a time of year more appropriate for burning Jerusalem in protest.

  4. Took the words right out of my mouth, Rafi.

    With the 3 weeks coming up, now is the time. Burn, baby, burn.

    Do you think if the govt dealt with the stone-throwers, garbage-burners in Mea Shearim the same way they deal with Palestinians who do the same (bring in a large bulldozer and tear down their home) this problem would dissipate or get even worse?

  5. dont know. not an easy thing to consider. once you start, who knows where it leads to...

  6. Oh, it's summer and the haredim are over-heating again. They don't even need a reason to riot. Every summer it's the same story. They're just overheated.
    My suggestion:
    Take off some of the clothes guys and put on t-shirts and shorts, you'll be way more comfortable.
    I'd be hot and cranky too if I had to wear a shtreimel, and got squashed on a bus. Go and cool down with a nice cool beer. Chill guys!

  7. How can we shorten bein hazmanim?

  8. "broadcasting television in such close proximity to haredi neighborhoods."

    The IBA (Israel TV) has been/was at the other end of that street, opposite the end of Malchei Yisrael, for decades.

    So Channel 10 in the Bezeq building wouldn't be anything particularly new, even if it would be an unexpected prolongation of a pre-existing (or previously-existing) situation.
