Jul 25, 2011

FaceGlat: the Glat Kosher Version Of Facebook. Sort Of.


A new social media site named FaceGlat was just launched yesterday. The unique idea behind FaceGlat is that it separates men and women. If you are a male you log in to one page, men to the right, and a female logs in to their own page, women to the left.

I went to it out of curiosity. These are my first impressions:
  1. just another social media network to manage..
  2. I clicked on the link. they let you log in with your facebook account. if you have a Facebook account, whats the point of this new one? It sounds like it is for people avoiding facebook.. unless maybe someone is on Facebook and wants to get off, but this is an easier way than building an account from scratch.
  3. I started to create an account, and I see further in that they let you import details from all the main social networks, not just Facebook. Again, for someone active on the various social networks, this does not seem to be adding anything.
  4. what's stopping me, a male, from going into the womens section? Just the honor system? Using the honor system I could just use Facebook and not do anything inappropriate. I thought these types of systems are so people don't have to test themselves with the honor system...
If this is what does it for these people, I have no problem with that. Enjoy!

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