Jul 13, 2011

Interesting Posts #280

Interesting Posts

1. A 2700 Year Old Worried Mother

2. Cutting Oneself For Tznius

3. School Advice

4. Will The Real Chafetz Chaim Please Stand Up?

5. Invading Your Territory - asking a convert to list that info on shul membership form

6. Would You Have Held On To The Ball? An article on Matzav asks a great question, that can lead to great discussion... the guy who caught Derek Jeter's 3000th hit ball (it was a homerun), chose to give it back to Jeter (Jeter gave him all sorts of memorabilia and tickets in exchange), rather than hold on to it and sell it for the estimated value of $300,000.

7. Addiction Alters Appropriate Apprciation

8. Is 64 Too Old To Make Aliyah?

9. The Tekhelet Controversy

10. Hidden Tresses

11. The Story of an Israeli Hero


  1. The economic argument was raised according to urban legend at least by R'YSE. (me-give up chalav yisrael and don't be a baal nefesh in order to be mkayem a possible duraita)

    In an earlier navi shiur on the ttopic iirc r' reisman raised the argument that if the tzitzit are not tcheilet they should (must?) be white(or the same color as the beged) - or something along those lines.

    Joel Rich

  2. Joel - what do you mean by the chalav ysirael comment - that people should give up other chumros that cost money, so that they can afford to buy tekhelet, which might be a d;oraita?
    makes sense, I think

    the 2nd point is good. white is good with any color, but a color is generally only good if the beged is that same color.
    an easy way to silve that, again for the purpose of keeping a possible d'oraita, is to make the talis kottons all have a blue (or black?) stripe, just like the talis gadol has. Wool tzitzis already do, usually have a horizontal black stripe, so the tekhelet would be fine on such begadim.

  3. yes
    Joel Rich
