Jul 17, 2011

The Official "Get Well Soon!" Song (video)

The Official "Get Well Soon!" Song

This is a funny and enjoyable video from Hadassah Medical Center...

(note: there are women "singing" in this video.. caveat emptor)


  1. They conveniently left out the hundreds and hundreds of Arabs you will encounter at Hadassah.

    By the way - ever notice that their kids are always in the ER with weird trauma injuries?

  2. pretty violent culture... shooting guns at weddings in celebratory fashion is one example...

  3. I think I saw one my midwives in that video. Really fun, except that those kiddie IV bimbas make me cry every time I see them.

    Also, only Har Hatzofim has "hundreds" of Arabs (even that's debatable) but what do you expect? It is in East Jerusalem.

  4. is this what the docs get up to when they're on strike?
