Oct 9, 2011

Interesting Posts #310

Interesting Posts #310

1. Kaparos, A Simple Exchange

2. Rav Frand On How To Disagree

3. Jerusalem Soul Center Grand Opening

4. Why Insincere Conversion Candidates Matter

5. An Opportunity Mitzva

6. Texting Targets Tardy Transports

7. Taking A Tank To The Mikvah


  1. Thanks for the link. got another one up now re: Steve Jobs. http://somehowfrum.blogspot.com/2011/10/jobs-jibs-jabs-jubs.html

  2. Rafi,

    Did you read this past week's Chadash?

    I laughed at the righteous indignation of Eidensohn of the Kupa.

    He bemoans the taking down of pushkes from bus stops and yet he and his organization usurp almost every bit of public (and alot of private) space for their banners, columns, posters and wooden frame tzedaka billboards.


  3. You're mentioned in my post, From a Few Friendly Blogs. Why don't you check out my comment on your post and read the others linked, too?
