Dec 10, 2011

Gilad Shalit Releases Message Of Gratitude To Those Who Worked For His Release (video)

Gilad Shalit Releases Message Of Gratitude To Those Who Worked For His Release


  1. There was some brouhaha over the book Giald allegedly wrote as a kid. Now that he's back I wonder what he says to it. Did he actually write it or was it plagiarism committed by his family?

  2. I dont remember that. The only brouhaha I remember was that the book seemed to portray him as a leftist, and some were saying he "deserved it" for his views...

  3. it seems that he indeed did write the book and it was based on what someone else wrote and that person sued for copyrights infringement. I dont know what happened in the end.

  4. here is Ma'ariv reporting the story

  5. Sorry, the link didn't appear for some reason in my previous comments. Here it is:
