Dec 7, 2011

Glenn Beck - Women's Rights in Israel (video)

Glenn Beck - Women's Rights in Israel

This is just too funny..the way he frames it...


  1. I agree that Ms Clinton should be spending her time on more burning issues but I don't think he is giving a fair view of the real picture. His point about sharia law not accepting women's witness could be said about halacha as well and he forgot to compare whether women get assaulted in the street by vigilantes for the way they dress, get sent to the back of the bus with a blind eye turned by the highest courts in the country, cannot appear on street billboards or sing in public.

  2. Actually, most of the items on the Arab check list also apply to our religious extremists.

    It's not far fetched to imagine the imposition of some extreme religious laws in this country in the not too distant future.

  3. he clearly didnt know what Hillary Clinton was referring to.. but his theatrics were funny.
    And despite it all, he has a point. so there is a small group in Israel that wants to go backwards on wmens rights. Why criticize Israel for that when there are all the rest of the countries in the Middle East that are completely backwards on the issue and have never moved forward? perspective.
