Dec 8, 2011

Headline Of The Day

Headline Of The Day

Assad: Only Crazy Leaders Shoot At Their Own People

  -- Ynet

this was based on an interview Bashir Al Assad gave to Barbra Walters of ABC News. Assad denied Walters claim that his troops are killing civilians. he also rejected the UN censuring him, saying they are not reliable. Assad also said most of those killed were people pro-government and the activity is all by terrorists and not soldiers. He claimed the whole thing is a western conspiracy.

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  1. Welcome to Bashar Assad's Bizarro World!

  2. He should have claimed that most of those killed were simply "accident prone", and that is why they died!

  3. Catriel LOL

    I wonder what he used as proof that the UN is unreliable - the members of the Human Rights commission? the numerous resolutions against Israel? the members of the international committee for the advancement of women......?

  4. LOL, on your comment too, MiriamS!

    It is so sad that it's funny. :(
