Dec 4, 2011

Interesting Posts #331

Interesting Posts #331

1. The Need For Kosher Certification On Beer and Alcohol

2. It is already moot by now, as the Ministry of Absorption has been instructed to pull the ads that some found to be insulting... but amidst all the posts on the subject, I thought this dissenting opinion stood out..

3. The Annual Nines.. this might answer one of my questions about the assumed segulah of the nines, but not really, as yaak leaves the question open as well...

4. Buying Chicken In Beis Yisroel

5. Eating Mummy Meat... yum


  1. Not sure how to contact you, but I thought you might find this interesting. CNN took this long to figure it out?
    Like I always tell people, we should worry because they're "Frummer" tahn us. (I leave it to others to define what "frum" means). -LFD

  2. Thanks for the post. See my latest comment there.
