Dec 11, 2011

A Letter to Survivors of Sexual Abuse

A letter to Survivors of Sexual Abuse
A Guest Post by a Survivor

-Bear Hug-

I wish I could go back in time, as I do now, in my night time dreams; and give my child self a bear hug.
I would give her the encouragement to know, that she has the strength to deal with her past, present and future pain; and to know she can be okay.
Oh, I wish I could have warned her of the dangers ahead.
No, it’s not only strangers.
Time has passed, I’m now ending my teenage years; pulling myself together, and finally thriving.
If you are hurting, I want you to know, You are not alone.
Please stay strong, and Always remember you are precious !!
I’m sending you all a huge bear hug! You’re in my thoughts and tear-filled prayers. Beware, Take care, Share and have the courage to heal.
T. Behr

If this is not you, you should know, this could be your friend, neighbor, sibling or even child. Please be attentive and sensitive to those who may be reaching out to you.

PPS. I can be contacted at teddiebehr @ gmail (dot) com ...


  1. it's
    (two Ds)

  2. beautifully written,kol hakavod!

  3. amazing !!!!!! love it !!!!!
