Dec 15, 2011

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Judaism respects women more than any other religion...The teaching that the 'honor of a woman is inside' applied many years ago but now the honor of a woman is to be involved, outside, and totally equal to men...If a male soldier is at an event and women begin to sing it is forbidden for them to shame the singers and get up and leave..

  --- MK Rav Chaim Amsalem

Rav Amsalem gets the qotd 2 days in a row. If he wasnt in trouble with the mainstream haredim until now, now he definitely will be saying a statement of Chazal is no longer relevant and must be changed!


  1. The question is, how is shaming the women relevant here? If someone quietly gets up and leaves, why is the woman being shamed? Don't they understand that it is not a personal issue, but a religious one?

  2. Especially those haredim, like one of the writers for Cross-Currents, who have tried to use this kol isha issue as an excuse for haredim refusing to serve in the army.

  3. If this is how they show respect for women then the Taliban are the biggest women-lovers in the world.

  4. What trouble is it with just mainstream Charedi? Since when is he a posek? I guess I shouldn't be so surprised Rafi, as you post videos once in a while with Kol Isha.

  5. It's not "just" a chazal, it's a passuk in Mishlei!

  6. "It's not "just" a chazal, it's a passuk in Mishlei! "

    The passuk in Mishlei is talking about a princess, not women. Chazal consistently interpret it as referring to all women.

  7. Actually, the Pasuk is in Tehillim (45:14).

  8. his first sentence is true. Where else do you have a whole family singing a song to the wife/mother once a week speaking of her virtues and showing she has deep responsiblity for the functioning of the family?

    The rest is kfira.
