Dec 7, 2011

Rav Amar Speaks On The Various Issues Of Women In Public

I thought this was interesting.

The Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Shlomo Amar, had something interesting to say about a few topics in the news:
Regarding the "veiled women cult" issue, Rav Amar said, "Nobody should tell me how women used to dress in a previous time. I lived in those times and I know how women dressed then. There are clearly defined rules if tzniyus, but this dress is extremism.  It is prohibited to wear a wig (which is one of the claims of common and unchallenged pritzus the veiled women use in their defense). One must cover her hair with hats or tichels, and if a little bit of hair shows it is not a big deal. But one does not need to cover her face - we never heard or saw such a thing.

Regarding the mehadrin bus issue, Rav Amar said it is some specific people who want to make a "fence" for themselves, but it is not a halachic requirement, we have such a psak from Rav Moshe Feinstein. It is only a hiddur.

Regarding the issue of women singing, Rav Amar said that the entire request was to allow any interested soldier to leave when women would sing. Obviously it should only be done respectfully and without causing shame and embarrassment. The Torah insults nobody and is very stringent n this issue, and gives respect to women.
(source: Kikar)

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