Jan 18, 2012

If All This Was For Some Spit, How Much More So...

The following article was printed in the recent newsletter, called B'Shaar", of the extremists group of Bet Shemesh. I normally would not print their stuff, but I found the article so interesting, using such warped logic, that I felt like sharing it..

I am only going to partially translate it, for brevity:
The spitting incident was successful in upsetting the whole Bet Shemesh and the entire country. That tells us that if a a simple spitting incident could upset the entire country against the haredim, how will we answer to the question that if a simple spit could do so much how much more so we should be acting to upset the city [for more serious things] for bringing a girls Dati Leumi school into a haredi neighborhood, for destroying all rules of tzniyus, for bringing the "Mafteach" organization into the haredi neighborhoods... for that we must go through introspection to understand why all our actions conclude with a simple spit and other small things. Do we not have real mesirus nefesh beyond that to uproot all the breaches (play on words of "pritza" and "prutza"). We must learn from the ways of the enemy that if it has hatred and action based on such small things, how much more so we must act regarding things of great importance.

I just thought that was warped. Thanks for listening.


  1. Thanks for sharing. The letter does indeed illustrate the fundamental disconnect in world views that is in play here, and furthermore, how the events are spiraling into further polarization.

  2. what is "mafteach"?

  3. if I am not mistaken it is an organization started by Shmuel Pappenheim to provide vocational training for those who want it

  4. Yishkon L'vetachJanuary 19, 2012 3:05 PM

    What I found upsetting above all, is that everyone not like them is the enemy. It's the fundamental problem.

  5. "אויב"

    And herein lies the root of the problem.
