Jan 29, 2012

Standing In Line At The Lishkat Giyus

I hate bureaucracy as much as the next guy. And I hate standing in line even more than the next guy.

It is the time of the year again when the yeshiva students must submit their forms requesting their deferments from the army for the coming year. Submitting the request entails going down to the lishkat giyus and handing in the form.

According to Channel 2 News there were a lot of complaints about the long lines of yeshiva students and the lengthy delays it caused. the complaints were from yeshiva students themselves who had to stand in line. According to one of the students who spoke to Channel 2, there were 150 people in line and he had to wait an entire hour to submit his form!

As I said, I hate waiting in line and can commiserate with them. When the process is automatic, there is not really a reason it has to be done so inefficiently. Find a way to bring everyone in, maybe by scheduling appointments over a few days or by scheduling a certain amount per hour and give the students allotted times to show up. Nothing is gained creating a line of 150 people and making everyone stand around for a lot of wasted time. I am sure it causes tension for the clerks as well, and not just for the students waiting.

That being said, such complaining does not look good. They are there getting deferments, and they cannot be bothered to give up an hour or two? From the perspective of the soldiers, they are giving up 3 years and you complain about giving up an hour or two?

Such complaints should not really be voiced, but the authorities in charge of arranging the deferments, the army in coordination with the vaad hayeshivot and whatever politicians or askanim are involved, should get together and make this process more efficient.


  1. I say first have a group of religious Zionist Rabbi's give each student a Bechina to ensure they are progressing enough to deserve the exemption. Any student who fails should be immediately inducted into the army on the spot.

  2. I agree with Mordechai.

    But it reminds of something from long ago. The first time I went to lishkat giyus in J'lem, from the looks of the place, you would have thought the army was almost all Charedi. Yep, it must have been around this time of year :-)

    Then when I got to army, it was obvious that it wasn't so Charedi ...

  3. I agree with Mordechai. Though I also want those same tests given before the Avreichim get their monthly checks.
    It amazes me that guys can't be bothered to stand in line for an hour to two to get out of the army, but they have no problem standing by the coffee urn for an hour to two to get out of learning.

  4. Your second to last paragraph and the comments summed it up for me.

    By contrast, I recall that my nervousness and anxiety in that line was because I was about to start such a great, historic mitzvah. I never regretted my service, even with the occasional ups and downs. And I went back to learning afterwards. The best of all worlds!

  5. Grateful Father of ChayalimJanuary 30, 2012 9:48 AM

    My son also had to wait hours at the Lishkas HaGius and go back several times for various examinations.

    And he continues to stand in line...at roll call, tekesim and other duties of the Tzahal.

    I've yet to hear him complain about it even once.

    As a general once addressed them (while standing at roll call):

    Yes, you are standing in line early in the morning. Just think..70 years ago our ancestors had to stand on line for hours waiting for their deaths in Auschwitz, Treblinka, etc.

    You guys are zoche to be standing on line to defend Am Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel!

    Perhaps these yeshiva bochurim should consider the boys who not only stood in line at the lishka but continue to fight on the front lines so that they can sit and learn in safety.
