Apr 15, 2012

Israel Responds With Wit To Flytilla Activists

I don't know if this approach is the most effective or not, but it is definitely the wittiest, and might diminish any PR fallout...

Israel is going to be presenting the "flytilla" activists who succeed in getting on planes to Israel and landing in Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion airport with a letter welcoming them to Israel. I imagine the letter will be handed to these activists right before they are turned around and sent on a plane back to the countries of their origin.

The letter thanks them for choosing Israel as their destination, and place of protest, rather than Syria, Iran or Hamas in Gaza.

This is the letter they will be given:

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1 comment:

  1. I always thought (well, always since the last one) that Israel should have greeted the protesters with big signs thanking them for their support by their payment of Israel's airport tax with the purchase of their tickets.
