Apr 24, 2012

Syrian Fighter Claims Zionist Weapons Were Captured (video)

Syrian Fighter Claims Zionist Weapons Were Captured

more interesting than the actual claim being stated, is the Druze guy who looks like a Hassid dressed for the High Holy Days..


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  1. The "Druze guy who looks like a Hassid dressed for the High Holy Days" is R. Menachem Fruman of Tkoah - may G-d send him a refuah shlemah.

  2. that's Rav Froman? I have never seen him dressed like that. WHy was he dressed up like that?
    also, isnt Rav Froman's beard much longer and wilder than the one in the video?

  3. yep.
    That's the way he looks lately - has to do with his sickness.
