Jun 3, 2012

The Daf And The Baby At The Kotel

I went last night for a late visit to the Kotel.

The Kotel was fairly busy at midnight, with lots of people already there, along with a bustling crowd of people coming and going.

Here is a good image of both one of the things great about the Kotel and one of the things great about daf yomi. Put them together, daf yomi at the Kotel, and you can have an amazing experience...

all different types learnign daf yomi together at the Kotel
 This daf yomi shiur had about 30 people sitting and learning together, along with maybe another 20 or so bystanders listening for a few minutes as they passed the group. The group consisted of Yerushalmim, Sephardim, Ashkenazim, Yemenite, Dati Leumi, Litvishe Haredim, Hassidic Haredim, etc. You get the point.

After listening to a few minutes of the daf, I took my 6 month daughter down to the Kotel itself. We davened for a few minutes and I gave her a tour. Here she is checking out the majestic Wall.

After that we said some tehillim in a lage group that had just finished the nightly "Nishmas" and then were saying some tehillim for Rav Elyashiv.

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