Jun 7, 2012

Interesting Posts #387

Interesting Posts #387

1.  A Simple Jew is a very thoughtful blogger. He took a break from blogging a while back in order to work on himself and a book he was writing. He recently started blogging again occasionally, and he just announced that he has published his book, Bnei Avraham Ahuvecha: Gerim In Chassidic Thought.

2. Reform Judaism or Refrum Judaism?

3. Fifty Shades of Frum

4. 10 Things Learned In 20 Years Since High School

5. Reclaiming My Blog

6. Unity Blues

7. Are oreo Cookies Kosher.. In Israel?

8. Courage of His Convictions

9. Kosher Soap

10. Imagine A Shul Where...

11. Country Cheers Chess Challenger

12. Simchas In Klal Yisrael
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  1. Thanks! I second Bray's opinion. His Yiddish posts are thought provoking as usual.

  2. link on number two works fine for me

  3. Bray, I dont want to link to anymore Asifa posts. I told you that by email and I dont appreciate your trying to sneak the posts in. had we not already discussed it, I would have left the comment, but I already told you I wouldnt link to those posts.
    I dont owe anybody any links, and I dont like being manhandled.

  4. I apologize. My sick need for attention drove me to manhandle. You get more traffic in two minutes than I get in two months.

  5. Rafi, thanks a million!!!

    Bray, I agree about the traffic.
