Jun 5, 2012

Israeli Trains To Offer Wi-Fi and Shorter Travel Time

Good news for train riders in Israel.. With the summer approaching, the Train Authority has announced all sorts of changes that will enhance the passengers experience, both from the time it takes to get to one's destination, along with the frequency of routes, and the experience on the train itself.

With the opening of a new set of rails on the Beer Sheva route, frequency of trains will pick up, and the effect will be felt on other lines as well, as the routes change and trains meeting on tracks holding each other up will be able to be avoided more. The Bet Shemesh route is going to drop from 43 minutes to Tel Aviv down to 36 minutes, for example. And extending the trip to Jerusalem will only take 75 minutes instead of the current 93.

As well, they willbegin allowing people to take on bicycles during the non-busy hours. Another big change is that they will be introduing wi-fi access on the trains. That is big for passengers, as lots of people work on the train, and currently they must do so using a 3g connection or a Net Stick. Giving wi-fi will make the experience greatly enhanced for a lot of people.
(source: Calcalist)

Finally, the train system might be coming out of the stone age..

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  1. wifi with filter?

  2. If they have wifi, why would you want a shorter ride?

  3. The shacharis minyan on the train will have to get 7 minutes faster.

  4. I was just on the train yesterday and saw lots of people with bikes and scooters. I was wondering why I had never seen that before yesterday!
