Jun 12, 2012

Mazel tov To David Arquette On His Bar Mitzvah! (video)

Jewish-American actor David Arquette is in Israel and just decided to have the bar mitzvah he never had. Arquette is 41 years old, and was going to be at a bar mitzvah ceremony for an Israeli boy as part of a tv series he is shooting for the Travel channel while touring parts of Israel. It was suggested he also have his own bar mitzvah because he never had done so before, and he agreed.

Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitchm rav of the Kotel, helped Arquette put on tefillin and conducted the ceremony calling him up to the Torah...

Mazel tov!

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1 comment:

  1. So beautiful how he says he loved seeing Shabbat at the Kotel.
