Jul 3, 2012

Burglars Burgle During Shamir's Funeral

This is crazy. I know about homes being burgled when people are sleeping. I have heard about crooks targeting families that have simchas taking them out of the house - people who post in shul an invitation to a bar mitzva or a wedding have at times been burgled. It even has created an industry of home-sitters, where you hire someone to watch your house while you attend your family simcha.

I never heard of this type of burglary though. While at the funeral of Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir yesterday, his daughter's house was burgled. That's serious gall.
(source: Israel HaYom)

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  1. it is a devar yedu'ah to hire house sitters if you have a wedding. i know of a kollel that provides housing to the avreichim. one kol nidre the families came back after tefila to find that their homes were robbed.

    anytime someone is away from home and people know that you are going away, it is a dangerous situation. on our local email list we have been asked not to ask for a ride to the "ploni wedding" because you are announcing that ploni won't be home

  2. Serious gall, yes. But on the other hand, a real yidishe kupp.

  3. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon in chu"l.
